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Fundo azul claro com grafismos de apoio.
Evoluum symbol

A solution is simply a challenge that has evolved

We are an evolving ecosystem made up of free and collaborative people who co-create technologies to simplify complex challenges as much as possible.

Carbon Culture

Carbon is what connects all the cells.


It is the essential element for all known life forms.


These are the six elements that synthesize our culture.

collaboration among all
curiosity to understand the challenges
creativity to co-create solutions

confidence in all relationships
take care of all actions

commitment with our culture 

 how we work 


Business. Innovation. Outcomes.

Technology-driven innovation that impacts our clients' businesses and cultures, always in a collaborative way between extraordinary teams, wherever they are.


Our own methodology, where all collaborative effort is drive throgh our strategic objective, in a clear and common way.


In constant evolution, our methodology allows to solve complex challenges through the collaboration, curiosity, and creativity of the people involved.

We have a power to adapt according to situations that guarantee the evolution of our entire ecosystem.


We unite with our customers, calling this model C.O.O.P.: Collaboration Of Outstanding People.


We truly believe that only collaboration based on trust, freedom and commitment can make challenges evolve into technological solutions.

The Edge

Confluent ecosystems, become a common ground between two ecosystems creates a third.


Normally questions became answers: only by working together can we understand the challenges and co-create/recreate/adapt the solutions.


We believe that technology must always serve people and cannot be created without them.


We do not work with a closed scope, as we see this practice as a barrier to finding the questions that will lead to results together besides our clients.

Fundo roxo escuro com nossos grafismos de apoio.
Three circles where their union forms our BIO matrix.
Two triangles pointing at each other. Where they overlap is where we operate.
Graphic explaining the he Egde Effect, where circles represent people and technology.
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